Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Google Introduces ?Gmail Blue? - It's Completely Blue, Because Brown Was a ?Disaster?

Screenshot_3_31_13_7_39_PMThe Google April Fool’s train continues with the announcement of “Gmail Blue.” Yes, it’s a version of Google’s email service where everything is the color blue. The YouTube one from earlier was OK, and the Nose one was just so-so, but I’d actually use this product if it existed, especially since it took six years to “develop the technology.” Can you imagine something like this actually happening? Some people flipped out about the new compose screen becoming the default, so they’d lose their mind if Google changed all of the colors in the email service. The real bit of news here? Gmail turns nine tomorrow. Yes, we’re all old. The video for Gmail Blue is pretty damn hilarious and worth checking out. Be sure to count the number of buzzwords used: I can’t help but wonder if this is a not-so-subtle poke at Facebook, which of course is well-known for having the color blue all over the place within its apps and site. One of our readers, Edd Friedman, smartly suggested in the comments that this could be Google making fun of Microsoft Windows Blue. Makes sense. The line about brown being a disaster? Commenter syntaxsyntax999 thinks it’s a riff on the Zune. Regardless, hearing Googlers have a sense of humor about themselves and their “moonshot thinking” was enjoyable. Get ready for more April 1st funnery from Google, and the rest of the Internet, tomorrow.

Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/Techcrunch/~3/gZVDVMW4CjU/

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