Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Democrat Dan Maffei ? Campaign Finance Hypocrite | The Lonely ...

Democrat Dan Maffei wants to have his campaign finance reform cake and eat it, too. While championing reform, he?s again planning another record breaking fundraising campaign.

Dan Maffei

Here in Central New York, a number of us have been wondering what?s become of Dan Maffei since he won back his old seat from freshman Congresswoman Ann Marie Buerkle after a campaign of lies and smears. Locally, she?s been in the news more than he has, even though she?s out of office. In all fairness, he did hold a ?tele? town hall meeting with constituents who could call in and ask questions. I missed it, but my sources told me that for those who were lucky enough to be given the opportunity to ask a question, they received nothing but spin.

So, what else has Rep. Maffei been up to the past few months? Why, he?s been tackling the age old problem of campaign finance. Yes, he?s the guy that raised so much money from outside sources that he set new records for the cost of running a congressional campaign in upstate New York.

Despite the millions of dollars in special-interest money spent on his behalf, Maffei says he?s ready to change the system and back it up with tough legislation.

In his first month in office, he signed on as a co-sponsor of two House bills aimed at campaign finance reform ? both of which seek to limit the influence of big donors and special interests, including super PACs that can spend unlimited amounts of money on federal campaigns.

Super PACs and other groups from outside of Central New York independently spent about $5.5 million on the House race last year in which Maffei defeated former Rep. Ann Marie Buerkle.

Maffei, D-DeWitt, and Buerkle, R-Onondaga Hill, each raised and spent more than $2 million on their own campaigns for the 24th Congressional District seat, bringing the total cost of the race to almost $10 million.

Read the whole thing for the full taste of Maffei?s hypocrisy. It?s almost laughable, considering that an anti-campaign finance PAC spent more than $100,000 on this one congressional race.

But that?s not all. In addition to championing campaign finance reform, after spending millions smearing his opponent in the last election, Maffei has been added to a list of Democrats who the party is going all out to protect and defend in the 2014 election. How do they plan on doing that, you ask? I couldn?t make this up if I tried.

According to the DCCC, members of the Frontline program must meet certain fundraising goals and move forward with recruitment and volunteer efforts.

There you have it. Dan Maffei champions campaign finance reform while going about raising even vaster sums for his next campaign.

Just think, if Maffei wins another term, and Obama?s vision of Pelosi 2.0 comes to fruition, they?ll probably pass some form of campaign finance reform that exempts unions and government contractors from revealing political contributions, while barring private sector entrepreneurs and corporations from making any contributions at all. With statist hypocrites like Dan Maffei in office, it wouldn?t come as a surprise.

Tags: bill, campaign finance, Dan Maffei, frontline, fundraising, hypocrite, reform

Source: http://lonelyconservative.com/2013/03/democrat-dan-maffei-campaign-finance-hypocrite/

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