Monday, March 11, 2013

How Much Math Do I Need? | Real Estate, Change Management ...

Mathematics is??used in??almost all?professions?and??careers?. ?To help studentsrealistically choose?a??career??or?job??, it is??necessary??for them to be?know??math skills?needed?in??particular??career paths. ?If?your child???hates math and has??has struggled to??earned a grade better than a C in?an algebra or geometry??class, it may not be a good??choice??to set?sites on?a career in engineering. ?This article is not intended to discourage?anyone?from?pursuing?a chosen?profession??, but instead to??educate students and parents?on the math skills?needed?and how?to improve students??math?skills?so they canbe successful in?their?chosen profession or trade.

Before I?discuss?the mathematics?requirements?for different?careers?, I would like to??go over??what we??need to??do when a?student?isn?thaving success??in?math?but still??wants??to pursue a?trade??involving??math??. ?As I??mentioned??before, I am not trying to discourage anyone from a chosen?career?. So, with that said, what can??parents and teachers??do for children to help them?succeed??in?math?so they canenter?a profession?of interest?.

First?of all?, start when??your??are young. ?When children are young, they can?have experiences?that literally traumatize them for?the rest of their lives?. ?One of these experiences is feeling??like a failure??because of not??comprehending??math. ?A commonpractice?is to allow young children?to use?a calculator for??math assignments?when they??have difficulty??doing it by hand. ? ?Early?In??math education, sets the?base??for more??complex??mathematical?concepts?. ?Remember, if someone can?tmultiply??18 and 37??, he/she won?t be able to multiply?(2x + 3) and (5x ? 4)?. ?Doing??foundational??arithmetic is the?beginning?to mathematical??thought??. ?Please do not?allow students to?? access??calculators until they?have a good understanding of?how to solve?math?problems by hand. ?Once??they are allowed to use calculators,??continue to have??them??continuewith??mental math andwork?problems?out by?hand to keep??math skills???sharp?. ?Some?basic??ideas for mental math??can be??asking them??to solve???the ?times? table,figuring out?the tip at a restaurant,??estimating???the tax on a bill, or even?adding-up??and estimating the total cost of items?purchased?at the??supermarket?.

What about??children??that?already have?negative feelings??concerning?math?? ??One option??to do is go back in their??math classes??and??discover??when/where they?began not understanding?and disliking math. ?Review and re-teach?the??ideas??they?don?t understand?, andmove?forward to help them??be??more comfortable with??mathematics?. ??Many of the negative?feelings??that some students have towards math is a result of??feeling like a failure??. ?It??seems??easier to say, ?I?don?t like?math,? then to?face it?and moveforward?. ?There are??many??resources????available to help ?students?get back on the path of?mathematics?success. ?It will take?a lot of?work, but theresult?will be a?child?that?has?a choice of any??profession??.

Some of the online resources available are ?online geometry?,?virtual math lab, and?virtual algebra?tutoring. ?There are?many??learning centers and??tutors??that??can be found??through your local?school district or college??. ??what??ever resource(s) you choose,decide?what you expect??from???tutoring or the learning??center??. ?Discuss??your goals to those?working?with your??student??, so you can work?as a team??to best help your??student??succeed?. ?If you try a service and it??is making??your child anxious,??figure??out what is causing the anxiety and if??needed??,?stop using that service?. ??More??anxiety??will??reinforce the?dislike and fear?of??mathematics??. ?Also, you can??discuss your concern with??a school counselor tofind strategies?to help?your child cope with the??fear??. ?You can?even?consult a therapist if the anxiety seems to?overwhelm or debilitate?your child. ?

Taking steps to remove the?fear?of math can only??benefit??your child. ?Which?ever?tools??you??decide??to use for your child (tutors, counselors, or therapists) will help him/her toovercome math anxiety?. ?Once the??fear??is under control, your?child?will have the confidence to??be successful? in??mathematics??!

Here is a partial list of careers and the math that is required.

Actuary:?Algebra, Statistics, Calculus

Accountant:?Arithmetic,?Statistics, Algebra

Administrative Assistant:?Arithmetic,?Statistics, Algebra

Business: Arithmetic,?Statistics, Algebra

Carpenter: Arithmetic, Fractions, Algebra, Geometry, Trigonometry

Chef: Arithmetic, Fractions, Algebra

Dentist:?Algebra, Trigonometry, Statistics, Calculus

Computer Programmer: Algebra, Trigonometry, Statistics,?Calculus (Depending on what type of programs you are writing)

Economics:?Arithmetic,?Statistics, Algebra

Engineering:?Algebra, Trigonometry, Statistics,?Calculus

Information Technology:??Algebra, Trigonometry, Statistics,?Calculus (Depending on the type of systems and processes)

Lab Technician:?Arithmetic,?Statistics, Algebra

Law Enforcement:?Arithmetic,?Statistics, Algebra (Calculus for some forensic fields)

Lawyer:?Arithmetic, Algebra, Statistics

Medical Doctor: Algebra, Trigonometry, Statistics, Calculus

Nurse:?Arithmetic, Fractions, Algebra

Teacher (Elementary): ?Arithmetic, Algebra

Teacher (Secondary)?Non-Math/Science:?Arithmetic, Algebra

Teacher (Secondary)?Math or Science:??Algebra, Trigonometry,?Statistics,?Calculus

Plummer:?Arithmetic, Fractions, Algebra

Psychology: ?Arithmetic, Fractions, Algebra

Scientist:?Algebra, Trigonometry,?Statistics,?Calculus


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